how to get started


Inventing - how to get started

The motives behind Tony's most recent inventions are to improve safety & security.

We live in a society filled with unsolved issues, so there are many things which could be changed or rearranged to make things easier and safer for everyone.

Some examples:

Q. How does a person escape a fire in their home when on the second or third floor?
A. Tony believes a secondary means of escape in the shape of a compact store away ladder which can be easily assembled.
Q. Or what do you do when you ride your bike and feel all the pressure in the pelvic area as a result of the hard small saddles currently being used?
A. Tony designed a much softer saddle using himself as a guinea pig to test if it was any better than what was currently on his bike.

So inventing isn't such a hard task to achieve. Its just a matter of checking out what's right for you and that's all you have to do if you want to make a difference.

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